How To Build a Wine Cellar: 5 Tips

By Ben Carmichael

Building a Wine Cellar  We recently set out to build a cellar for a client in which we faced a unique set of historic challenges. Here’s our top tips for building out the space. Before we get into our top tips, the house we were building a wine cellar for is a 17th century colonial…

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Crucial Tools for Woodworking

By Scott Arnold

Crucial Tools for Woodworking Which tools are most important to you when it comes to woodworking? This is something that will depend on what you are building of course.  My wife runs a custom sign business, called Simply Crafted By Luisa, so I am always sanding. Sanding is the most important part of what we…

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Building A Wheelchair Accessible Workshop

By Robert Robillard

The Wheelchair Woodworker – Helping To Build A Dream WorkShop Earlier this year, Jason McGee, a disabled yet hopeful woodworker from Sherman Illinois reached out to us for help and guidance in setting up a woodshop in his home garage.  He’s a fan of ToolBoxBuzz and has been enjoying our YouTube channel and wanted to…

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