Handling Customer Extras
By Robert Robillard on Contractor Advice
Image: devils–den.blogspot.com
While you’re here . . . would you mind?
I wish I had a dollar for every time a customer said, “Oh, while you’re here would you mind doing . . . “
Would you mind doing is usually followed by, hanging a heavy picture on a wall, UN-sticking a window, fixing a broken door knob, moving something very heavy, etc.,
Customer extras is a reality on a job-site and large changes and extras should be documented and handled with a
proper construction proposal through the “change order” process.
On smaller ones you may want to read on . . .
Additional Projects
It can also mean a whole new project – which is usually good!
Some customers I work for are not handy at all and I have become accustomed to expecting a little “while you here, would you mind doing” . . . In my opinion it’s good for business.
Free Bees or Goodwill?
Alot of carpenters I’ve spoken to resent this and feel that the customer is trying to get a freebee out of them. I look at it a different way.
Most people that I deal with on carpentry projects are women. It’s been my experience that these “little items” are a real big deal to them, have been bothering them for some time and are also an excellent customer service opportunity for me.
As long as the “while you’re here” request does not consume a huge amount of my time off the original project, I think it’s a great opportunity for me to forge friendships, build referrals and excel at customer service!
So next time your asked, “while you’re here, would you mind . . .”
Just smile and say, sure!

Image: digimon4everptpt.blogspot.com –