Business Referral Tips
3 Referral Tips To Grow Business
Getting good referrals always begin with providing your customer with timely, reliable, trustworthy and quality service. This article will focus on three major business referral tips.
A happy customer will tell others the good word on your behalf—often without you having to ask.
Business Referral Tips:
1. Ask your current customers if they know of any friends, neighbors or colleagues who are looking for the kind of service you provide. Follow up with a call or letter to those those people and make sure to ask your customer’s permission to use them as a referral.
2. If a customer compliments you on your work, ask them to put it in writing for use as a testimonial on your blog or website. Testimonials are great marketing tools.
3. Any customer referral should be answered with a thank-you note or phone call. If you send a card, consider including a coupon to popular restaurant or discount on a future service.
Contractor Referrals:
One of the best sources for referrals are other contractor businesses that sell to the same target customer.
Your sub contractors are connectors in all aspects of our work and are often a great source for referrals. If you took the time to sit down and figure out how you got a job and who was behind the referral, [past post] my guess is that, in short time you will be able to figure out who your best “referral connectors” are.
Asking these people for ideas and suggestions to help me increase my carpentry leads will probably result in more business. READ MORE
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