Protecting A House From Dust During Construction
By Robert Robillard on Dealing With Dust
Photo: Zip wall product from
Controlling Remodeling and Construction Dust
In recent posts I have discussed the importance of controlling job site dust and keeping a clean work site. Protecting a house from dust during construction happens before the job starts.
Educating The Client:
Take the time to include wording in your contract detailing how you will be protecting a house during construction or a remodeling project. customers love seeing this and expect to pay extra for it so include a line item in your proposal.
Protecting The House:
Day one is spent moving furniture and furnishings out of the room as well as anything hanging on adjacent walls. Floor protection in the work area and all the way out of the work are and exiting the house. Make sure to protect any areas that you may travel, including the bathroom, basement area, exits, etc.
Lastly install dust containment walls in the work area and zippered doors in any door openings that will be used. Any doorway openings not used should be sealed off by closing the door and taping the seams on both sides.
People Notice Dust
It’s funny but people look less at the quality of the trim details and miter joints then they do the mess a contractor leaves or works in. The key is to keep a clean and orderly work site and take a few precautions.
For much more in depth details and techniques on dust containment and reducing remodeling dust read these articles:
HEPA Filter accompanies dust extraction vacuum
Dust Containment