Preparing for Hardwood Flooring
Preparations for Hardwood Flooring
A major part of this remodel we needed to begin preparing for hardwood flooring. Part of this process was to rip up the entire first floor carpet and kitchen linoleum and prepare the surface to receive hardwood flooring.
Bookcases and fireplace issues
The bookcases seen above and below were removed to allow use to remove the tile floor and install 4″ oak strip hardwood flooring.
The plan is to reinstall these bookcases, add crown to the tops and add a thicker nosing to the shelves for a heavier visual effect.
The fireplace insert and granite was removed. A wood mantle will surround this fireplace. The owner choose the “Andover” mantle by Premier Mantles, Inc. See below.
The tiles around this fireplace will also be removed and a granite hearth will be installed in front of the fireplace.
Room shown before carpet, tile or fireplace insert is removed.
The opposite side of the room and the glass “fish bowl” entry.
Removing The Carpet
One of the first steps when preparing for hardwood flooring if to remove the carpet.
Remove The Tile
The entry way had a small section of tile that also needed to be removed.
Tile removal. The blue tape is the out line of the mantle.
After removing the carpet we noticed that the sub-floor had water stains under the radiators. Scott Robillard Plumbing and Heating out of Waltham, Mass was called in to pressure test the heat system and repair any leaks.
Remove Kitchen Linoleum
The kitchen linoleum flooring also needed to be removed.
Rob Hamilton and Dan Broggi pulling staples.
This hallway leads to an adjacent sun room and front of house. We removed the carpet to find two layers of linoleum. Under the linoleum was an old hardwood floor!
The living room, kitchen, hall and sun room all will have 4″ Oak flooring stained to a walnut color.
~ concord carpenter