Lead EPA Record Keeping Rule
New Lead EPA Rule – Contractors will also need to keep the necessary records:
The new EPA Rule (40 CFR Part 745), commonly referred to as Renovation, Repair and Painting, went into effect on April 22nd, 2010.
If you’re a homeowner having work performed on your home please read this.
The new rule from the EPA (40 CFR Part 745) states that any contractor/renovator who disturbs more than six (6) square feet of painted surface must follow lead safe practices. Renovations affected by the new rule include activities such as sanding, cutting drywall, demolition, etc. Under the new rule, a contractor will need to become a certified renovator, taking a training course from an accredited training provider. Once they are certified, they will need to only work for a certified firm, whether their own company, a property management firm, or another contracting company.
Lead EPA Record Keeping Rule for Contractors:
1.Make sure you get certified with he EPA.
you need to be certified to work or or hire others to do work on homes, schools, or child care facilities built in or prior to 1978, then you need to be.
Contractors will need to be certified renovators, and the companies who hire them (either the employing contracting company, or a company like a property management firm) will need to be a certified firm.
2.To become a certified renovator, you need to take a course (usually one day, around $150 – $450) from a certified training provider. I took mine at my local lumber yard.
3.To become a certified firm, you will need to fill out this form and pay a $300 fee.
4. Purchase HEPA Vacuums, Plastic Sheeting, and cleaning supplies and have these on hand when needed.
5. Train all non certified workers on proper procedures, and the certified renovators will need to prepare how to handle the questions raised by the residents (either homeowners, tenants, employees, etc)
6. Increase and improve on your record keeping . Record keeping is crucial with their EPA and you will need to consider what records you need to maintain, and how you will maintain them.
Necessary records:
- Copy of the Certified Firm and Certified Renovator(s) certifications
- Non-certified worker training documentation
- Designation of Certified Renovator to the job.
- Information on and results of use of EPA-recognized test kits provided by Certified
- Renovator who acted as a representative on the Certified Firm at the job site and who conducted testing for the presence of lead-based paint on surfaces to be affected by the renovation .
- Lead based paint inspection reports provided by a Certified Lead Inspector or Certified Lead Risk Assessor, if applicable .
- Any other signed and dated documents from the owner(s) and/or residents regarding conduct of the renovation and requirements in the EPA RRP Rule
- All reports required from the Certified Firm and Certified Renovator by the EPA RRP Rule
EPA’s sample record keeping checklist
Disclosure to the residents
HEPA Vacuum review