Delta 1-1/2HP Dust Collector Review
Delta Dust Collector 50-786
Reducing workshop dust can lower health risks, increase safety and overall cleanliness of your workshop environment.
Adding a wood-shop dust collector is one way you can address work-shop dust. Buying the correct and properly sized dust collector for your shop is essential to ensuring healthy breathing air while enjoying your projects.
All work shops need a method to capture dangerous dust particles and wood chips directly at the source.
Recently the folks from Delta sent me their Delta 1½ HP Dust Collector Model 50-786 to test and review.
The unit came in a large box and I recently set aside some time to set it up and play around with it.
According to Delta the 50-786 has a max air velocity of 1,200 cubic feet per minute (CFM), and I was anxious to see if this dust collector was strong enough to keep the dust down and my workshop table saw cabinet clean and free from a build up of saw dust.
Delta 1-1/2HP Dust Collector Review
The Delta 50-786 was easy to assemble and I had it together and hooked up to my existing table saw and joiner dust collection hoses in 20 minutes. Right off the bat the first thing that I noticed was that the Delta 50-786 comes standard with a one-micron filter bag which helps this unit obtain the 97 percent filtration and containment of fine dust particles.
I have a different model which is older and the one-micron bags were not standard. I had to purchase mine separately. The Delta 50-786 also features a sturdy metal frame with swivel casters which allowed me to maneuver the unit in and out of tight spots in my shop. I rolled it around the shop to see if this was a viable alternative for a small shop that needed a mobile dust collector.
The unit moves very nicely and can be backed into tight spots with very little real estate taken up. Just make sure you have the overhead space for the dust bags when the machine is turned on. The unit plugs into 120 volt, has an on / off button and built in circuit breaker. That’s it – no other controls.
The bottom bag has a snap in clip that holds a 6 mil clear plastic bag which allows the user see when bag needs emptying – I liked that. Two 4″ dust ports with rubber caps are attached to the Delta 50-786 and a short heavy duty flexible hose with clamps come with the unit.
Delta 50-786 Features:
- The 1 micron filtration bag keeps shop cleaner and small particles out of your lungs
- Snap in bag ring for fast and easy bag installation
- 1-1/2 HP Induction motor provides long lasting smooth performance
- 6 mil plastic chip bag is clear to see when bag needs emptying
- Sturdy steel base with heavy duty casters allows user to easily move machine around the shop
Using The Delta 50-786 Dust Collector:
One thing I immediately noticed was that the Delta 50-786 dust collector was noticeably quieter than my other dust collector. I initially hooked the Delta 50-786 directly to my table saw to test it and liked it so much that I made a permanent home for it on the other side of the table saw.
The most important thing I noticed was that the Delta 50-786 has impressive suction. I held a piece of paper over my table saw blade slot and it got sucked down onto the table ~ now that’s suction!
In my situation, I decided that the best choice for my shop was to place the Delta 50-786 close to the machine that causes the most dust and is also used the most. Yup, my table-saw.
My current situation meant that wood dust traveled almost 30 feet before reaching the dust collector. By placing the Delta 50-786 within ten feet of the table saw I was able to increase the saws dust collection efficiency. In the past I would often have to use a shop vac to clean the cabinet below the table saw – my dust collector just could not keep up with heavy cutting. Now with the Delta 50-786 the cabinet is bare – no saw dust!
Overall Impression:
I liked the Delta 50-786 so much I decided to give it a permanent home in my shop. It is now in charge of the table saw and joiner. Besides the fact that this important tool minimizes detrimental effects of airborne contaminants that woodworking naturally produces, it was easy to set up, use and change the replacement bag.
This machine is sized perfect for the small shop or person who is tired of dealing with the mess and dangers of uncollected shop dust. I suggest that if you decide it’s time to install a dust collector that you also consider adding an air filter / cleaner to compliment it as well. Read a few of the related posts below for an example of airborne dust filtration.
How Much And Where To Buy:
The Delta 50-786 is backed by a five-year warranty and is at specialty woodworking dealers for $466.99 or online and have it shipped to your door here: Delta-50-786-Dust-Collector-1200
Controlling wood dust in a small shop