Is Your Job Site SAFE
Job Site Safety
In the photo above you see caution tape restricting access on and off deck steps. This article will hopefully prompt you to ask he simple question, Is Your Job Site SAFE? We will detail a few, simple job site measures that you can deploy tomorrow!
Remodeling Occupied Homes
When remodeling a home often the homeowners are still living in and using the house.
Work sites can be dangerous enough for the workers, so what are you doing to protect the homeowners? Are you keeping the job site safe?
Education is FIRST Step
The first thing you should do is educate your client as to the dangers of the work site.
Safety Tips For Job Site:
Restrict Access:
A statement, mentioning these dangers and restricting access into the work area, in your contract can also help back this up. To protect your clients’ safety, make it clear that the site is off-limits except with an escort.
Restrict access to the site. Use plywood or a padlock to lock up the entrances.
Photo above shows a door leading to an excavated hole. The bar across the door is a visual reminder not to exit. We further secured this door by installing a double sided deadbolt to lock it, removed the key and placed a sign inside and on the door notifying the homeowner.
At the end of the day, remove all ladders from the building and secure them on the ground under lock and key.
Post The Property:
Following and taking afew simple preventive safety warning measures such as posting signs at all access points of each project declaring “Private Property — Unauthorized Entry Prohibited” or controlling access with yellow caution tape or a sign is a second step.
Keep Job site Clean:
The most cited OSHA safety infraction is called ‘housekeeping,’” It’s a very common safety infraction because people who tend to leave a mess have a higher chance of tripping or slipping. Messy job-sites are clearly one of the things that will cause accidents.
While working and when leaving for the day, keep the work site clean and clear from defect and dangerous debris. [Watch where you place power cords]
Constantly ask yourself the question Is Your Job Site SAFE?
Keeping the work site clean not only makes for a safer environment it makes the customers happy.
Clean work sites pay dividends when it comes to referrals, many a customer has commented on how neat and clean my work sites are. These people then tell other people and I will often hear these same comments when meeting with new potential customers. These word of mouth referrals and advertising is important . . . . it’s what I call the ripple effect.
Remember . . . . a clean work site is a happy work site!!!
No Kids Allowed:
Kids should not be allowed on the site at any time. Make this a written policy in your contract. Parents should be warned about children climbing into dumpsters.
Sometimes the best way to keep the work site safe is to remove access to the site.
Secure All Tools and remove Power Source:
Remove and lock up all power tools. If tools are left in a room unplug them, coil up the cords and secure the room.
Mark Any Hazards:
Stake out fence and tape any trenches or foundations holes left open.