How To Remove Window Film
Removing Window Film Without Damaging the Glass
As a re-modeler I often use UV film and safety film to protect glass in danger areas, such as stair wells and bathrooms. Many times in a remodel it makes sense to leave an existing, non-tempered glass window and the safety film is a less expensive alternative to tempered glass.
But what about removing this film later, here are a few steps to ensure you can remove the film without damaging the glass. this technique can be used on residential windows, vehicle tinting or even window stickers and decals.
Steps to Remove Window Film and Stickers
1. Start by heating the filmed surface with a hair dryer (a heat gun would be too hot).
2. Lift the film at a corner with your fingernail or a straight-edge razor. Try to peel the film diagonally across the window.
3. With the hair dryer still heating the film, pull it away from the glass surface. If the film has aged, it may come off in small strips.
4. The stripped film will leave an adhesive residue. Fill a quart bottle with a spray nozzle with water and add a teaspoon of baby shampoo.
5. Protect the surrounding area with a drop-cloth. Spray the glass and let it sit for a minute.
6. Spray it again and, using a straight-edge razor, begin scraping off the residue.
7. Keep the surface wet to avoid scratching the glass.