How To Build A Diagonal Door
Build A Diagonal Tongue And Groove Shed Door
This shed was designed by Sandra Stout from Creative Designs. One of the details that Sandra specified was for the tongue and groove doors to be set at a diagonal.
After figuring out the door opening sizes I went back to the shop to build the diagonal cedar tongue and groove doors.
I ripped the tongues and grooves of the boards to make the door face frames. For simplicity I used a plate joiner to insert wood biscuits and help me glue up the door face frames.
When making my face frame I glued up both doors as one and ripped them into two doors later. The two doors share a middle style which gets ripped in half. Once the doors are installed the two ripped styles will match the top. bottom and hinge side style and rail widths.
Once the face frames were dried and sanded of mill glaze I routed a champher along the inner edge of the opening to make the face frame match the champhers already on the diagonal tongue and groove boards.
The doors were glued and temporarily fastened to the face frame with 1/4″ x 1″ galvanized staples. Later I will screw the boards to the face frame.
Once all of the boards were installed I flipped the door over and brought it over to the table saw to cut the boards flush with the face frame. A jigsaw or circular saw would have worked here too.
The outside edges were sanded and champhered as well. I flipped the door back over and added two 1-1/4″ galvanized deck screws per board all the way around.
Acorn brand strap hinges finish off the door.
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