Fall Leaf Removal Tips
Fall Clean Up Tips to make your chores Faster and Easier
Plan Waste Collection Wisely
Check with your town or municipality for guidelines on Fall Leaf Removal. Many communities only collect Fall yard waste during a certain period of the year and often require the use of specific disposal bags.
Remove Leaves Weekly
Although your municipality may not collect your yard waste for a few weeks, you’ll want to remove the leaves from your lawn every week as the leaves block the sun from your grass. Depriving your lawn from sunlight hinders it’s ability to develop its root system and store food to survive during the winter months.
Traditional Raking
If you are going to break out the Rake and collect leaves the old fashioned way we recommend you purchase and lay out a large tarp or leaf cart to collect the leaves in one spot, then easily drag the piles where you want them. Keep the piles manageable and unload and move the tarp/cart where you need it regularly to keep your work efficient.
Using a Blower
A leaf blower can take the strain off your back during leaf removal and can make a job you’d normally need a few helpers to move along, manageable solo. Think about where it makes the most sense to start blowing and move the material to a location that you can easily bag, compost, or pile out of sight. Maintain a clear line and sweep back and forth moving the leaf pile methodically towards your end point.
Start a Compost Pile
Anyone can start a compost pile and the Fall is a perfect time to start with the availability of all the organic matter in your leaf piles. You should aim to keep your compost pile in a container you build or purchase that is at least 3 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep. This ensures the organic matter builds up enough heat at the heart of the pile to accelerate decomposition. After the fall you can continue to add organic matter with food scraps like vegetable peels. Additionally you can add fertilizer with equal parts N-P-K. See How to prepare your Lawn for Winter.
Mulching with a Lawn Mower
If you have a riding lawn mower you can utilize the mulching decks to chop up the leaves and discharge them back onto the lawn. This method can save you a ton of time, although depending on the amount of leaves and the conditions, you may have to make two passes to effectively mulch and distribute the leaf waste over your lawn. Ultimately you’ll see a visible layer of mulch, but the added nutrients can enrich your soil and give your lawn a boost, an important way to prepare your lawn for winter.