Fall Lawn Care
Remove Leaves:
Leaves choke your lawn by blocking sunlight, which your lawn needs to store up nutrients for winter dormancy.
When leaves fall during an early fall rain storm the wet leaves end to stick to the lawn and will choke the growth of the lawn if not removed.
Lower the Blade:
During the fall mow your lawn to a height of 2-21/2 inches. As the lawn mowing season draws to a close, drop the mower’s blade to its lowest setting for the last two cuttings of the year, allowing sunlight to reach the crown of the grass.
Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blades at one time. additionally do not mow the lawn below a height of 2 inches or you will inhibit the plants ability to receive and store nutrients to the root system.
Weed and Insect Control:
If broad-leaf weeds like dandelions are prevalent in your lawn, fall is time to apply weed preventative. Weeds, like most plants, are in the energy-absorbing mode during the fall. They’re drinking in everything that comes their way, including weed killers.
Most herbicide manufacturers recommend applying the weed killer during early-to-mid autumn, when daytime temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fall is also a good time to apply grub or insect control and treat your lawn for other potential pests. With both weed and insect herbicide, follow manufacturer’s recommendations, for application.
Lush Green Lawn:
The best defuse is having a good offense. Follow these six steps every fall for a health , green and lush lawn.