Choosing a Contractor
What Factors Do You Use To Choose A Contractor?
In today’s business environment companies cannot afford to lose a single profitable customer. Surveys allow you to determine what your customer’s value and to make important decisions that focus on and improve on this value.
We need to listen more to our customers! I recently surveyed my clients to determine what factors In choosing a contractor were most important to them.
In my survey, people were asked to select the reasons important to them for choosing a contractor. They were allowed to choose “all that apply. ”
Factors In Choosing a Contractor:
95.5% selected, “quality workmanship as most important.”
86.4% selected, “knowledge and understanding of the project.”
59.1% selected, “prompt return of phone calls.”
54.5% selected, “on time with appointments.”
50% selected, ” reputation.”
50% selected, ” finishing work on time.”
45.5% selected, ” problem solver.”
45.5% selected, “compatible personality.”
40.9% selected, ” referred from a friend.”
40.9% selected, ” excellent references.”
22% selected, ” professional appearance.”
10% selected, “clean job site.”
4.5% selected, ” lowest price.”
What About Lowest Price?
Research has shown that most people do not purchase merchandise or services based on price.
Most people purchase based on their perception of value.
In this tough market contractors should be focusing more on increasing the value of their products and services in the eyes of the customer.
Value Means The Most
Value is determined by the customer. The important thing to remember is to communicate that you deliver VALUE in your services.
Showing customers that your services are a better value than the competitions will create repeat loyal customers even in tough times.
Moral of the story. . . .
Strive to deliver good quality work which will add value to your product and services.
Don’t try to give your customers the best price. . . Give them the best value for the price and you will see more business!
Survey Your Customers
Survey your customers today – Surveys are a great way to learn how you’re doing and show if your customers perceive value in your service.
~ a concord carpenter