Brunt Workwear

By Scott Arnold

Brunt Workwear Review Here at Concord Carpenter, workwear is a popular category. In order to find the best workwear to fit your unique demands, we are continually interacting with workwear manufacturers. Recently, we collaborated with Brunt Workwear to review a job site hoody and work pants that you’ll love. Eric Girouard established the Massachusetts-based company…

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Timberland Pro Workwear

By Scott Arnold

Timberland Pro Workwear Review Timberland Pro, famous for their footwear also produces a line of workwear that adheres to the same standards. “Equip people to make a difference in the world” is the stated goal of Timberland. They achieve this by producing superb goods and making an effort to improve the neighborhoods where we live…

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Milwaukee Bolt Hard Hat and Accessories

By Scott Arnold

Milwaukee Bolt Hard Hat and Accessories The ability to adapt to your safety PPE job site to job site is what makes the Milwaukee Bolt Hard Hat pretty unique. From headlamps to eye protection to full face shields, Milwaukee has options for pretty much any job site you will encounter. Hard hats can protect employees…

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Keen San Jose Oxford Work Shoe

By Robert Robillard

Keen Utility San Jose Oxford (Aluminum Toe) Work Shoe As a tool reviewer, I get to write about all these cool and innovative tools to help us contractors get the job done. What often gets lost in translation is work clothing and footwear like the Keen San Jose Oxford Work Shoe. I recently started wearing the…

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Left Blade, Right Blade Circular Saws

By ralph mroz

Do Blade-Left Circular Saws Provide Advantages? Do blade-left circular saws really provide advantages?  One of the standard arguments for worm-drive saws, which are typically blade-left, is that they provide better line-of-sight to the cut line than blade-right saws (which most sidewinders are).   A clue that this argument may have faults is that it assumes a…

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DryerWallVent Review

By Robert Robillard

Dryer Wall Vent [Best Practice] The folks at InOvate products reached out and asked us to install and review their DryerWallVent. So, we took it to one of our remodeling projects and installed it. My first experience with this company was almost 10 years ago at the JLC Tradeshow where I saw their Dryerbox product.…

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Cleaning Paint Bushes

By Robert Robillard

Cleaning Oil Paint Brushes Learning how to properly clean brushed with oil paint can save you money and improve the longevity of the brush and the quality of your paint project. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. It only takes one slip-up of waiting too long, or not prepping your brushes for cleaning to…

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Reinforcing Floor Joists

By Robert Robillard

Repairing a Bouncy Floor | Sistering Joists | Pro Tips A client recently asked us if we could reduce the “bounce feeling” on their bedroom floor. Floor deflection is common in older homes because the floor joists used back then were smaller or spanned longer. This article will cover how to go about reinforcing floor joists.…

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