Author Profile

John Peachey

Writer / Teacher / DIY Enthusiast

John Peachey is a 33-year veteran teacher with a Masters Degree in Instructional Technology. John is passionate about technology and is a big fan of Apple hardware and other techie gadgets. As a homeowner, John enjoys spending time in his workshop and in his yard getting his hands dirty completing DIY projects. For ten years, John was the general manager of a local swimming and sailing club, responsible for overseeing and maintaining the extensive facilities. In his free time, John enjoys outdoor activities, especially golf, fishing, boating, and biking. John’s love of the outdoors provides him with the time and opportunity to field test and review knives, multi-tools, flashlights, yard tools, and other handy devices. In addition, supporting teachers, students, and friends with technology for more than 30 years has provided him with the experience to advise, evaluate, and integrate technology products into a user’s daily life. Here at A Concord Carpenter, John enjoys reviewing all of these products.

All Posts by John

Ryobi USB Lithium Heated Cushion

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium Heated Cushion (FVT51K) Here in the Northeast, we love to enjoy the great outdoors all year long.  With the arrival of fall and winter, we turn to warm coats, gloves, and hats so that we can enjoy time outside with friends and family.  Now that Ryobi has introduced their USB Lithium Heated…

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Ryobi USB Lithium VERSE Compact Speaker

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium VERSE Compact Speaker Whether I am relaxing or working, I almost always carry a Bluetooth speaker with me to listen to music or sports radio.  I have two Ryobi portable speakers that work with Ryobi’s 18V ONE+ batteries.  I enjoy them both, but I have recently become very excited by the new…

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Ryobi USB Lithium High Volume Inflator

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium High Volume Inflator Kit (FVIF61K) Summer is a great time to spend time relaxing in the pool, the lake, or the ocean.  Sitting in a large pool float is a great way to spend the lazy, crazy days of summer.  Of course, inflating those pool toys and floats can literally suck the…

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Ryobi USB Lithium Power Scrubber

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium Power Scrubber Kit (FVG51K) Deep cleaning of our homes and our cars are usually projects that many of us like to postpone.  How many scrub brushes and other cleaning supplies have you purchased thinking, “This is the one that will make my cleaning task easier”?  In the end, cleaning anything well is…

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Ryobi USB Lithium LED Magnifying Light

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium LED Magnifying Light (FVL55K) Is it just me, or do other people also agree that font sizes are decreasing all around us?  So many products today are shrinking their packaging dimensions, as well as their text sizes.  Luckily, I now have the Ryobi USB Lithium LED Magnifying Light to help me decipher…

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Ryobi USB Lithium Clamp Fan Kit

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium Clamp Fan Kit (FVF51K) Living in New England means that each summer we have to endure high temperatures and unbearable humidity.  While air conditioning is a great way to combat the heat, you can’t spend all day inside.  For those times that you are working on a project or sitting outside with…

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Ryobi USB Lithium LED Clamp Light Kit

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium LED Clamp Light Kit (FVL57K) The new USB Lithium LED Clamp Light Kit has many features in common with the other Ryobi USB Lithium lighting solutions, including: clamping capabilities, magnetic mounting, multiple power settings, and really intense LED illumination.  At the same time, the Ryobi Clamp Light stands out and is proof…

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Ryobi USB Lithium LED Flip Light

By John Peachey

Ryobi USB Lithium LED Flip Light Kit (FVL52K) What do I like about the Ryobi USB Lithium LED Flip Light Kit?  So far, I have liked everything about this LED Flip Light!  Even my wife loves this Ryobi LED Flip Light, and she is often critical of the number of LED lights that I own.…

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