Bathroom Remodeling Strategies – My Top 3
3 Bathroom Remodeling Strategies
When you look at your bathroom to spruce it up or remodel it you need to ask yourself whether you have the time, energy and budget to take a project like this on. At the end of the day there are three bathroom remodeling strategies to consider and all three are different and range in cost.
The Top 3 Bathroom Remodeling Strategies:
- Makeover
- Layout Change
- Expansion
Bathroom Makeover:
A makeover is probably the simplest and most cost effective change you can make to a bathroom. It involves making cosmetic, fixture and accessory changes to the room.
The makeover does not alter the room size or tear into the walls but usually involves changing out fixtures like a new vanity, counter, sink, toilet and faucet. Wall paint, light fixtures and towel bars are also a big item on a make over. Some folk even opt to have re glaze their tub.
Bathroom Layout Change:
A layout change adds complexity to a bathroom remodeling project by rearranging or moving the location of bathroom fixtures. Whether it’s adding a second sink or larger shower sometimes small moves can make a big difference in how you use and enjoy the bathroom.
One thing to consider is that a layout change often involves substantial demolition work, structural repairs as well as plumbing and drain rework.
Bathroom Expansion:
The time for a bathroom expansion is when you need or desire a larger bathroom or are changing a bathroom to a luxury or master bathroom.
In order for a bathroom expansion to work you need to borrow space from elsewhere. Finding that extra space often means sacrificing an adjacent closet or making an adjacent bedroom smaller.
Adding just 30 inches to your bathroom can mean adding a large walk in shower with a frame-less glass enclosure, a double sink vanity or closet storage.
Bathroom expansions is also the time to consider adding closets, storage and other necessities or niceties to your new bathroom design.
Be aware that all expansions add considerable cost. Once you tear into an adjacent room you are now “remodeling” two rooms, not one. Patching hardwood floors, electrical relocation, wall patching, paint and sometimes window and exterior siding are all affected by expansions.
Plan Your Budget:
Prior to starting any of these projects your first need a solid understanding of what your budget is and then you need a plan.
Proceeding with no plan or no budget is foolish. To avoid these pitfalls read: Planning A Remodel