Working Efficiently
By Robert Robillard on Contractor Advice

Working Efficiently in the Trades
Working efficiently in the residential construction world does not mean hauling lumber and building materials around, up, down, and all around. Stuff like that is time-consuming and takes a toll on your body.
Setting up a job site to run smoothly, methodically and efficiently takes place prior to the job starts.
Here are a few efficiency tips I learned from an old pro:
1. Avoid making unnecessary trips ask your lumberyard to stack the material on the truck in the order you will be using it. [i.e., floor materials, wall materials and last the roof material]
2. Have the materials dropped as close to the area that it will be installed to avoid moving it to another location. Cut studs, plywood and anything else right there on the material pile.
3. Consider organizing your tools and parts with a tool storage system. tool storage systems are as important as the tools that are used to get the job done. The average contractor’s tools are valued at thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. That’s an investment work protecting. If you haven’t taken the time to analyze your work efforts during their course of a day – you should.

~ concord carpenter