How Long Trash Takes To Degrade
How Long Does It Take For Trash To Decompose
Have you ever wondered how long litter takes to break down?
I often hear people say that some trash item will take years to degrade in a landfill. Have you ever thought just how long trash takes to degrade?
The surprising thing is I bet it takes longer than what you guessed.
You might be surprised . . .
Glass bottle . . . . 1 million years
Fishing line . . . . 600 years
Plastic bottle . . . . 450 years
Disposable diaper 450 years
Aluminum can . . 80 to 200 years
Foam coffee cup. .50 years
Plastic bag . . . . . 10-20 years.
cigarette butt . . . 1-5 years
Recycling PVC on construction sites
I work n the remodeling and construction field and we recently began using pvc trim and decking. One of my concerns is what do we do with our cut offs.
Many lumberyards are placing PVC recycling containers in their yards offering free PVC recycling regardless of the board manufacturer. The PVC will be picked up, ground up and re manufactured into new Cellular PVC boards.
READ my post on reducing our carbon footprint.
~ concord carpenter
source: U.S. Nat. Park Service