As a carpenter and remodeler my experience with sledge hammers come into play with demolition work and fitting large beams and posts. By fitting I mean “gentle nudging” with a big ass hammer!
Over the years I’ve broken many a sledge hammer. Most of the times because I was a knuckle head and completely missed the object I was striking. In fact, most sledgehammer breaks occur in the handles and are due mostly to mis-strikes.
I recently had the opportunity to use a 10 pound Wilton B.A.S.H. sledge hammer. WOW! Wilton makes a super tough and impressive hammer. This hammer is designed to endure punishment, try breaking this hammer – I dare you.
Wilton claims that their B.A.S.H. handle technology makes their sledge hammer the world’s most durable hammers. I suppose that is that’s why they call it the B.A.S.H sledge. It’s an acronym of Bad Ass Sledge Hammer!
The Wilton sledge hammer has a steel core design that prevents breakage during over strikes, which is the most common cause of failure in wood and fiberglass handled sledge hammers.
Wilton B.A.S.H. Sledge Hammers went through over strike tests by an independent lab. Mechanical over strikes were calculated before the handles broke.
Competitor sledge hammers with wood handles collapsed after 435 strikes, while fiberglass handled sledge hammers failed at 6,800 strikes. The B.A.S.H. Sledge Hammers were tested at 25,000 over strikes and they still were going strong.
Think about that – 25,000 times to be a knucklehead, impressive!
B.A.S.H Sledge Hammers feature a safety design to prevent the hammers head from dislodging. A steel safety plate secures the hammer head with six steel rods which are bound together. The rods run the entire length of the handle and lock the hammer head to eliminate dislodgment.
The Wilton B.A.S.H. sledge hammer has a rubber non-slip grip that is made from vulcanized rubber and resist oil and other solvents. An anti-vibration neck helps lessen the vibration from striking. It is also designed to stand on its head for easy retrieval.
Wilton B.A.S.H Sledge Hammers come in weights ranging from 2.5 lb. to 20 lb. heads and 12 to 36 in. handles.
Wilton feel so strong about the durability of their sledge hammers that if you break the handle of a Wilton B.A.S.H sledge hammer under normal use and within two years of purchase and Wilton send you a check for $1000.00