Screwpop 4-in-1 Keychain Tool
The Screwpop 4-in-1 Key-Chain Tool
The folks at Screwpop™ sent me their Screwpop 4-in-1 KeyTool to evaluate.
This little gadget is perfect for a person like me that enjoys having a tool at hand when needed. The tool is small and fits in the palm of your hand, the end is rounded to swivel on a key-chain and attaches easily to key rings.
As a screwdriver, the round section give nice leverages to apply torque delivered through a reversible snap-in screw bit one side is a Phillips bit and the other is a flat head bit. I even used the flat heat bit as a mini pry tool to open the back of my watch.
When you remove the snap- in screw bit the tool functions as a ¼” nut driver for tightening loose small nuts.
The Screwpop also has a built in bottle opener which will come in handy this summer at all the cookouts I hope to get invited to!
The Screw pop sells for about $6.00. Purchase a Screwpop™
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