How To Remove A Spinning Screw
How To Remove A Stripped Screw
Ever run into a spinning or stripped screw? It’s frustrating to say the least. There are a few methods to deal with this. The article below will focus on how to remove a spinning screw.
Spinning Freely
How about a screw where the head or part of the shaft has broken off and now the screw spins freely but doesn’t come out?
Here’s a quick tip I learned many moons ago and still use today. Get the screw started by prying on the screw head a bit.
For a prying tool, I like to use a utility blade. Other objects, like a flat blade screw driver, to put a little outward pressure on the screw head.
Keeping firm pressure on the shaft. Once the screw comes out a bit but the blade rides in the threads and the screw creating friction that will facilitate backing the screw out.
Stripped Screw Head:
How To Remove A Stripped Screw
Since we are on the topic of how to remove a spinning screw, another method for removing a stripped screw is to use a drill. Simply chuck the drill over the screw head and back out the screw.
~ concord carpenter