Replacing Window Screens
Window Screen Replacement
Wood Screen Doors:
For wood screens, remove the middle piece of screen molding and rip off the old screen. Pry off the old staples/tacks.
Set the new screen squarely on the frame. Staple the top in place and position the bottom by wrapping a 2×4 or broom handle around the excess screen and pulling it taut.
Staple the bottom, sides, then cross piece in place. Reattach the molding onto the frame with brads and trim the excess with a razor blade.
Aluminum Screens:
For aluminum screens, pry out the vinyl spline material and remove the screen.
Lay new screening over the sash so it overlaps all sides at least 1 inch. Cut screening with shears or lay it over a piece of scrap lumber and cut through it with a sharp utility knife. Fit the new screen squarely on the frame and pull out any wrinkles.
Press the spline over the screen and into the channel beginning about 1 inch in from one corner. Re-install/replace the spline by pressing it into its channels by hand or with a spline roller. Use the concave side of the roller to press completely into the channel. Roll lightly at first to press the spline into the channel gradually.
Rolling too hard tends to stretch the spline and increases the risk of having the roller slip off the spline and cut the new screening.
If you are using Fiberglas screening, simultaneously roll the screen and spline into the channel in this step. This will usually make the screen taut, but you may want to pull the screen a bit while installing the last spline. After the spline is secure and the screen is taut, trim the excess screen.