Repetitive Cuts Using A Stop Block
Stop Blocks For Multiple Same Size Cuts
It is hard to beat a crosscut fixture sled for making cross cuts SAFELY on the table saw. You can make your sled cut with zero tolerance to the blade for less tear-out and accurate cuts. I make repetitive cuts using a stop block, here’s how.
Table saws are not well suited for cross cutting; which refers to cutting a board along its short dimension.
A crosscut sled is a solution to this dilemma and a very useful table saw accessory that allows its user to make clean accurate cuts. You can quickly make precise right angle cuts time after time on a cross cut sled.
Building one is easy and can be done in about 2 hours with scrap material, there are numerous plans on the web showing you how to do this. I use my cross cutting sled so much that I have a second table saw dedicated to it.
Using A Stop Block
When using the cross cut sled to make multiple same size cuts it’s essential that you get in the habit of using a stop block.
Stop blocks allow you to make accurate, repetitive cuts time after time. This is crucial when building bookcases or built-in cabinets and many of the components need to be the exact same size [i.e., shelves, shelf nosing, etc]
I screw a long piece of 3/4 plywood to my sled, as an extension arm, with a few screws and then use a C-clamp and a simple stop block I made from e scrap material. The stop block slides up and down my extension arm to the needed dimensions.
This is a simple, no nonsense approach to making consistently accurate cuts every time.