Remodeling An Older House
By Robert Robillard on Home Repairs And Remodeling
Remodel One Room At A Time

The “one room at a time” approach to remodeling an older house.
Remodeling one room at a time (kitchen, bath or family room) — can have a dramatic effect on your overall comfort, health and budget.
As the current steward to your home often the best thing to do when considering a one room approach is to open up the walls and take the opportunity to check for exterior or plumbing leaks and signs of mold problems.
This is also the time to update the house systems such as install high density insulation, seal any air leakage, update windows, update plumbing and electric systems with newer, energy-efficient components.
Getting Started
Take the time to research the materials and systems you will be installing. while planning try to establish what your budget is , once defined you have a better understanding of what you can and can not afford to do. also try to set aside 10% extra for hidden and unforeseen conditions that tend to bust the budget.
Unforeseen Conditions
Plan for the inedible Morphy’s Law situation of finding at least one hidden condition such as rot, dangerous wiring, plumbing issues or structural defects.
Being prepared for hidden conditions and unforeseen problems before they arise will reduce remodeling anxiety.
This is when that 10% contingency money comes in handy and it is also the prefect time to address these issues – when the walls are open!
Plan the Work Phases:
What is the process you will follow? By planning your process and sharing with the folks doing the work you will get a better understanding of the project scope as well as learn a few steps you may not have been aware of.
Here are some suggestions:
- Plan
- Prepare a budget
- Research materials and appliances
- Go over project with people involved
- Permitting process
- Dust containment, floor protection and demo
- Framing repairs, windows and / or alternations
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Insulation
- Walls and ceiling installed
- Trim
- Finished plumbing, electrical and paint.
- Hardware and furnishings.
When remodeling an older house take your time and plan and the results will be a more comfortable, reliable, safer and energy efficient home for years to come.