Remodeling a Mudroom
Mudroom Makeover
Today is the last day on this remodeling a mudroom project. In the previous article we discussed adding a mudroom door and tile.
The slate had received two coats of sealer and grout was installed on a prior day. Today we are here to install the wood wainscoting and storm door.
OK, one thing that needs to be said here is that these slate tiles are unique. Sandra Stout from Creative Designs Solutions had the 12 x 12 slate tiles cut in half and then tumbled to create this custom look. Very cool Sandra!
Steam Radiator Pipe Issue
If you remember from a few days ago, I posted on the concern of having the radiator pipe line up with the radiator after the floor was installed. We addressed this issue by opening up the wall which allowed for some slack in the pipe. Issues like this arise all the time when remodeling a mudroom. The key is to stay flexible and try to anticipate them.
Protect Door threshold During Construction
Blue tape covers the oak threshold during construction to protect the unfinished oak.
If you’re remodeling and plan on heavy demolition and are planning on saving you’re floors you need to use more than a drop cloth, you need to protect them from impact.
I suggest installing resin paper on the floor and then covering the floors with Homosote or 1/4 Luan plywood with the seams taped.
Remember to sweep and vacuum daily to keep debris off the floors and the likelihood that it will scratch of damage them.
Reusing Trim
We left some of the old casing in place. To install the plinth blocks we carefully cut back the casing and installed the plinths. Because of irregularities in the slate the plinths had to be scribed to the floor for a tight fit.
Wainscoting Details
Checking the radiator for fit on the left side. Once concern was would the addition of 1/2″ bead board wainscoting allow enough clearance for the radiator valve. Just fits!
Another concern was would the installation of the bead board behind the radiator allow the pipes to line up. This all had to be worked out before the install began.
After installing the bead board I began installing the top nosing, skirt and molding.
To avoid scribing and having a caulk line I cut the oak threshold, lower right of photo, to allow the bead board to slide in behind it. This is a much nicer detail.
Photo of plinths and bead board at garage door. Note that the door jamb is skinned in metal.
Fire Safety door From Garage
Garage doors that lead into a house needs to be a solid door, wood or metal, with a proper weather stripping to create an air tight barrier between the garage and a living quarters (by law, the door should have at least 20 minute fire resistance rating – no hollow core, interior type doors like the ones that you normally install in bedrooms, closets, bathrooms, etc.).
One more feature that I always recommend to my clients, and one that has been required on a new construction in many jurisdictions for several years already, is a self closing door. I don’t think that any local code enforcement division would force a homeowner to upgrade it if it is an older home, and an original (old) door, but I personally think that it makes sense to do such an update for your own sake. More on this metal door further on in this post.
Finished look. The tile still needs a few more washes to get the grout haze off.
Storm Door Protects Wood Door
A full view Larson storm door was installed. I chose the Secure Elegance model which is Larson’s top of the line door for this heavily used entry way.
Larson’s full view doors offer style and sophistication. The full glass feature allows maximum light into the home and enhances any entrance. Most full view models include an interchangeable screen that allows you to switch between full glass or full screen. Larson offers a large selection of full view doors with many color options.
The door is 1-5/8″ thick aluminum frame with maintenance-free finish with tempered glass, closes very smoothly and creates a nice tight weather seal.
Left: Bill Langton
Right: Rob Robillard [AKA Concord Carpenter]
Taking all the precautions and test fitting paid off. The radiator easily went back in and looked great.
Top rail trim detail.
Finishing Touches
Finished storm door and fir Simpson door.
Finished interior with coat hooks installed.
Finished view from closet. Remodeling a mudroom can add storage space and create a nicely detailed entry to your home at the same time.
See my applied wainscotting molding post.
See my solid panel wainscoting at Installing wainscoting
~ concord carpenter