Re-using Plastic Water Bottles Can Be Dangerous

By Robert Robillard

What’s So Dangerous With Water Bottles? A 1999 Natural Resources Defense Council study found that, with required quarterly testing, tap water may even be of a higher quality than bottled, which is only tested annually. Water aside, re-using plastic water bottles can be dangerous and pose more of a contamination threat than the water.  …

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Self-Charging Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

By Robert Robillard

Low-Profile, Self-charging Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms A new slender, low profile smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarms are now available from KIDDE. This is a nice option for people who want the protection of smoke detection but always hated the look of the large bulky sensor on the ceiling. The new alarm line, called…

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Gun Safety And Kids

By Robert Robillard

Gun Safety And Kids ~ What’s Important!   Whether you own a gun, or not it’s important to talk to kids about the potential dangers of guns, and what to do if they find one. Guns are in more than one third of all U.S. households.  Being safe with guns can keep kids, teens, and…

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Driving While Distracted

By Robert Robillard

Distracted Driving The buzz on the news is whether the FEDs pass a law against cellphone and texting use while driving. As a father and police officer I think it’s a great idea the evidence is proof enough.  As a person who uses the time while driving to make calls, I find it annoying. What…

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How to Make A Home Office Child-friendly

By Robert Robillard

Child Safe Home Office In the residential remodeling world we occasionally get calls from folks asking us how to make a home office child-friendly. Most of the times we handle items such as securing heavy bookcases and tall display cases to the wall to prevent tipping hazards from inquisitive climbing children. The rest is usually…

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Text Messaging and Driving

By Robert Robillard

Texting While Driving A lot of focus in the news recently has been on the Boston MBTA trolley driver who was texting prior to striking another trolley.  Text messaging and driving is clearly on the rise. There have also been other high profile cases in the news where teens have been killed in vehicle accidents…

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Baby Sitting Safety Tips

By Robert Robillard

My daughter has recently asked me when would she be old enough to babysit other children. This got me thinking about baby sitting safety tips. I practice many of these tips with my babysitter and plan on teaching them to my daughters when the time comes. Here’s a Few Baby-Sitting Safety Tips: 1. Take your…

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Risk Reduction

By Robert Robillard

Risk Reduction Safety Tips In Daily Travel Crime involves three things: desire, ability and opportunity. Unfortunately, we can not control someones desire or their ability to commit a crime, but we can remove the opportunity and potentially avoid becoming a victim by practicing risk reduction. In order to avoid being victim or a “target of…

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