Tips for Kids using the Internet
Internet Safety
Tips for Kids and Teens to Stay Safer When Using Blogs and Social Networking Sites
1. Never post any personal information. {cell phone number, address, or the name of your school, sports team, or pictures that could give away revealing info. like your your name, school, license plate or Town, etc] Look at the pictures background before you post to see if anything revealing is there.2. Never give out your password to anyone other than your parent or guardian.
3. Only add people as friends to your site if you know them in real life.
4. Never agree to meet anyone “met” on a social networking site..
5. Think before posting your photos.
6. Never respond to harassing or rude comments posted on your profile. Delete any unwanted messages or friends who continuously leave inappropriate comments..
7. Check the privacy settings of the social networking sites that you use:. Set it so that people can only be added as your friend if you approve it and also so that people can only view your profile if you have approved them as a friend.
8. Remember that posting information about your friends could put them at risk. Protect your friends by not posting any names, ages, phone numbers, school names, or locations. Refrain from making or posting plans and activities on your site.
9. Consider going through your blog and profile and removing information that could put you at risk. Remember, anyone has access to your blog and profile, not just people you know.
Stay safe ~ a concord carpenter