Sunroom Failure
Do It Yourself Nightmare – DIY Nightmare
We recently were hired to address a sun room that had most likely been leaking from the day it was installed.
The sun room failure was due to a faulty design.
Poor Design
The prior homeowner had routed rabbits in large beams and recessed sliding door glass panels into the beams. He then applied silicone to the panels and covered them with a 1×4 board.
The leaking manifested itself in the outer wall and was not discovered until the floor at the wall was rotting.
The sunroom failure was so bad that mushrooms were growing in the floor bays in the insulation.
The Repair
We removed to rotted flooring, the outer wall and all of the roof beams. the floor was rebuilt with new floor joists and plywood, the walls new 2×4 walls with all new electrical and insulation and the roof was framed with 2×10 rafters and new insulation.
New Design:
The new design was to eliminate any roof glass as the roof pitch was too shallow and two larger roofs drained onto it. We decided to plywood and shingle the roof tying it into the existing other roofs.
To regain some of the sunlight lost we lined the entire outer wall with new windows and two flanking doors.
The new walls were plastered, the ceiling received a tongue and groove breaded board ceiling and recessed lights. The floor had new 2-1/4 oak flooring. windows were trimmed with Victorian 1×4 poplar casing.
Anderson windows were installed with new exterior pvc trim and primed clapboards.
When we were finished a gutter with leaf covering was added to keep water off the building.