Low Cost Home Security Tips
Home Security Tips
Cheap and Free Home Security Solutions
Home security may seem expensive, but there are many things you can do around your house that are inexpensive or free and will make a difference in the level of your security. By doing some simple things, you can deter burglars and keep your home and family safe.
Things You Can Do When You Are Away
Stop your mail and newspaper-when you go out of town, make sure that you take a minute to stop any mail, newspapers or other deliveries. Nothing is more inviting to an intruder than a house that looks vacant. Piled up newspapers on the porch and an overflowing mailbox send a clear signal that someone hasn’t been home for quite a while.
Put your inside lights on a timer-this is a good practice if you work late, or when you go on vacation. By having some lights inside your house on timers, you give the impression someone is home. Timers for lights are an inexpensive way to achieve this effect. You can plug a light, TV, or stereo into a timer and set the exact time when you wish it to turn on and off.
Hiding Keys
Hiding keys in fake rocks in the garden is never a good idea and may actually put your home at risk. Most places to hide keys are common and easy for an intruder to find. Burglars often scout out areas ahead of time, and will look for places that have a hidden key. If you need to have a spare key for emergencies, it is best to leave it with a trusted neighbor, friend or family member. More often than not, hiding a key outside your home is the key to unwanted home invasion.
Window and Yard Signs
This may sound silly, but yard signage can actually help deter a possible intruder. Because burglars scout out areas they are interested in robbing, if they see a security sign or a decal in your window, they may decide to look for another target. Many hardware stores carry simple home security signs that you can buy for just a few dollars. It doesn’t work all of the time (and is no replacement for an actual alarm), but it is certainly a way to deter some criminals.
Protecting Windows
A very inexpensive way to secure windows and sliding glass doors is with a piece of wood, cut to fit the window track. A wooden dowel is often all it takes. With a piece of wood in place, the window cannot be slid open from the outside. It’s as simple as that.
A few very simple and inexpensive things can go a long way to make your home safe for you and your family.
This post was written by guest author Edwin who blogs over at yourhomesecurity.com