IRWIN Marples Saw Blade Giveaway
Justin Prewitt, a finish carpenter and newsletter subscriber from Oklahoma City, won these sawblades – congrats Justin!!!!
Win A Pair of 80-Tooth Irwin Marples Woodworking Sawblades:
The folks at IRWIN are offering one of my newsletter subscribers a chance to win a set of their Irwin Marples Woodworking saw blades. The winner will win two 80 tooth saw blades; one 10-inch diameter blade and one 12-inch diameter miter saw blade.
These blades are made in Italy in IRWIN’s new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, the new IRWIN Marples Woodworking Series saw blades are crafted to the highest design standards for precision and accuracy. These laser-cut, thin kerf saw blades feature extra-sharp, oversized carbide teeth for long life and multiple re-sharpenings.
These blades feature:
• Extra-sharp, oversized carbide teeth for long life
• Precision tensioned for flawless cuts
• Heat-resistant, non-stick coating for easy cleanup and truer, cleaner cuts
To learn more about these blades watch this super short video or read my article on them:
IRWIN Marples Woodworking Series Saw Blades
Giveaway Rules:
In order to enter this giveaway you must follow the instructions below:
1. Like Irwin Tools on Facebook
2. Subscribe to or be a subscriber to Concord Carpenter’s weekly newsletter.
3. Enter your information here: Entry Form
Extra Entries:
Increase your chance to win with EXTRA entries:
2 extra entries are available for each one or of the following: [repetitive entries with different email address will be deleted]
- “LIKE” ConcordCarpenter on Face Book.
- Comment on this post of what you will use the IRWIN Marples Woodworking blades if you win
- Publish a blog post on this giveaway with a link back to it
- Follow ConcordCarpenter on Twitter
- Tweet the giveaway link and tag @IRWINtools
Giveaway ends on July 20th at 11:59 p.m. EST. Winner announced on Face Book and here on July 21st. Open to 18 yrs old, residents of U.S.and Canada.
Good luck!!