Ice Dam Removal Service
Ice Dam Removal Service
- Ice Dam Removal
- Concord MA only
- Roof Raking
- Roof shoveling
- Call ROB at 617-799-1971
Ice Dam Prevention Tip:
Remove snow from your roof after every storm. To begin with, use a roof rake to clear snow from the edge of your roof upwards of three to four feet immediately after each storm.
What Is an Ice Dam?
An ice dam is a wall of ice that forms at the edge of the roof, usually at the gutters or soffit, with water pooling behind it. This water has the potential to leak into your home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and other areas.
What Causes Ice Dams?
Ice dams are caused by the combination of heavy snowfall, improper attic ventilation and or insulation. This results in the snow on your roof to melting, even when the outside temperature is well below freezing. When the first layer of snow on your roof starts melting, it runs down your roof underneath colder layers until it reaches an unwarmed section like soffits, valleys or gutters. It then begins to freeze again. This process of thawing and refreezing is what causes an ice dam. The melted water then backs up and finds ways to get into your home.
Removing Snow From the Roofs Edge
Removing snow from the roof will eliminate the main ingredient necessary for the formation of another ice dam. Use a roof rake or a push broom, remove the snow by carefully pulling it down the slope of the roof line. If necessary, carefully chip a channel through the ice dam so the water will be able to drain off the roof.
Read More on ice dam removal and prevention here
- IceDam