How To Prepare Your Lawn For Winter

By Phil Benevides

Fall lawn care tips from A Concord Carpenter The overall beauty of your home can be impacted by your landscaping, and your lawn is probably the largest part of your yard. So regardless of how well maintained and beautiful your home is, you can’t ignore the look and condition of your lawn, since both you…

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Installing A Pool Safety Cover

By Robert Robillard

Pool Safety cover If you have an in ground pool that you close in the Fall and Winter then installing a pool safety cover makes sense. A safety cover is a mesh or solid vinyl cover that is secured along the perimeter of the pool with adjustable straps.  these straps secure to  anchors that are…

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How To Install Bark Mulch Around Trees

By Robert Robillard

Bark Mulching Around Trees Many people and “professional landscapers” do not know how to install bark mulch around trees. The photo below is an example of what NOT to do! Avoid The Mulch Volcano Improperly installed bark mulch pictured in the above and below photo is  often referred to as a “mulch volcano.” Soil or…

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Choosing A Pergola

By Robert Robillard

Complete The Backyard Experience With A Pergola Whether its for bringing friends together for a cookout, or creating a sanctuary for relaxing with a loved one, the architectural pergola truly creates the perfect backyard look. The pergola provides a central gathering place for parties and events, and it’s an elegant addition to any pool, fire…

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How To Build A Disappearing Water Fountain

By Robert Robillard

Building a Disappearing Fountain Basin With A Glazed Pot Part 1 of 2 A great friend of ours bought my wife and I a beautiful blue, glazed pot for our wedding anniversary. The blue glaze matches the blue tiles surrounding our pool. My wife has wanted a water feature by the pool for awhile now…

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Building Near Wetlands

By Robert Robillard

Wetlands and Permitting: Building near wetlands is often prohibited.   “Wetlands ” usually refers to an area of land that is saturated with water either permanently or seasonally.  What distinguished a wetland is the it’s aquatic plants and hydric soils. Wetlands are important to people, fish and wildlife by protecting and improving water quality, providing fish and wildlife…

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Treatment for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

By Robert Robillard

How To Treat And Prevent Hemlock Damage By The Woolly Adelgid If you have Hemlocks you probably have a woolly adelgid (HWA) infestation and may not know it. Treatment for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgida varies widely depending upon the size and number of trees to be treated. 
If left untreated, branches infected by woolly adelgids die. What…

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Decorating With Flowers

By Robert Robillard

Decorate your Home With Flowers From Your Own Garden Carpenters don’t really care about decorating with flowers. As a carpenter my thoughts and plans often revolve around details and ideas that make a house more aesthetically pleasing, historically correct or just plain functional.  Things like crown molding, built in cabinetry, wainscoting, columns and accent lighting…

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