Author Profile

Weston Bartosik

Wes Bartosik is a Connecticut native with strong family ties to the construction world. Wes’ father and grandfather both were builders and developers and taught Wes the values of doing things right from an early age and getting hands on experience with every facet of the construction industry. Wes apprenticed with a carpenter throughout high school and would later attend Central Connecticut State University earning a bachelor’s degree in construction management all while working for a large excavation contractor throughout. Wes would go on to work for a local heavy-highway construction company and gain further experience with all the skilled trades associated with large civil engineering and utility projects. Though working as a manager now, Wes’ true passion is working in the field alongside the tradesman and laborers on site. Wes has been involved in community based service projects throughout his life as well as emergency services. In his spare time he takes on serious DIY projects for himself, friends and family. He is a firm believer that with a quality tool in your hands and some grit, you can accomplish anything.

All Posts by Wes

KEEN Utility Manchester Boot

By Weston Bartosik

KEEN Utility Manchester 6” WP (Aluminum Toe) Work Boot Review I first started paying attention to KEEN Utility boots when I noticed entire crews of tradesmen in high wear and abrasion industries wearing them. Every member of a large highway marking company I worked with chose to spend their money on a pair of Keen…

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