Therma Tru fire-rated, fiberglass doors
On a recent Concord Carpenter TV Show we installed a Therma-tru fire rated garage door. I was impressed with the Therma Tru fire-rated, fiberglass doors.
What Is A Fire Rated Door?
Fire-rated Doors allow you and your family time to escape in the event of a fire. A fire rated door is designed to have more resistance to fire and is used to reduce the spread of smoke and fire.
In residential construction and remodeling we typically see a fire rated door on a garage, furnace room, basement, or utility room. Fire rated fiberglass doors are designed to give you 20 minutes of protection from fire than a wood door.
Fire rated doors became a residential code requirement back in the late 1960s. Codes started requiring these doors at the location leading from the garage, and often from the basement, into the house. the theory behind this was based on gas-filled vehicles parked in the garage as well as the storage of flammable materials.
A proper fire door is a passive fire protection measure. It creates a temporary barrier and isolate the fire and keep it from spreading into the house.
Safety First:
A 20-minute fire rated door could provide you and your family precious time to escape in the event of a fire. Fiberglass doors are designed to give you 20 minutes of protection from fire and are more impact resistant than wood doors.
Therma-Tru, has a few nice styles of fire reated door designs, check out the Classic-Craft®, Fiber-Classic® and Smooth-Star® collections.