Secure Your Television

By Robert Robillard on Uncategorized

Secure Your Television and Bookcases to the Wall Avoid Tip-Over Related Injuries

And Other Furniture!Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, analyzed federal data on injuries. They estimate as many as 14,700 children are injured at home every year by falling TVs and other heavy furniture.

Dr. Gary Smith, former emergency medicine doctor and head of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, says other children aren’t so lucky.

Tip-Over Related Injuries

Smith and colleagues analyzed data from the national Electronic Injury Surveillance System. They looked at all emergency room patients under 17 years old who suffered furniture or TV tip-over related injuries from 1990 to 2007.

They estimate a total of 264,200 children and adolescents were treated for such injuries during the 18-year study period. This averages to 14,700 injuries among children every year. Three-hundred died as a result of their injuries during this period.

Most of the children were under six years old, and the number of injuries was highest for two years olds.

Researchers say when young children are toddlers, newly mobile and curious, they will grab onto anything, no matter how unstable, in order to steady themselves.


Baby proof the furniture, particularly TVs.

As parents we should be doing a walk through of the home to determine what furniture might be a hazard and then take steps to anchor it. Take the time to look around your house and try to determine what could easly be pulled over by a toddler.

Today’s TVs may be more lightweight than the old tube TVs but they’re still accident prone. They’re much easier to tip over.

TVs are best placed on stands specifically designed to hold them. A low stand is clearly better than a high one. And it’s always best to mount TVs on the wall or anchored into the wall.

TVs and other heavy furniture can be anchored to walls with simple brackets or straps bought from any hardware store.

Source: NPR – Patti Neighmond

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About the author

Robert Robillard

Carpenter / Remodeler / Editor

Rob Robillard is “The Concord Carpenter” Rob is a builder, general contractor, carpenter, woodworker, and editor of Concord Carpenter and ToolBoxBuzz As a General Contractor and carpenter, Rob owns and operates Concord Carpenter LLC. A full-service remodeling and construction company. Rob is a recognized leader in home building best practices and a source for how-to information for building professionals. On this website, Rob covers all aspects of home construction, building science, home improvement, woodworking, remodeling, and some of the best product and tool reviews. Rob is in charge of our Tool and Product Review series - Concord Carpenter Videos where we post all of our tool reviews and video tutorials. Rob approaches remodeling and building construction with a pragmatic and problem-solving approach. He enjoys using his knowledge and experience to help and educate building professionals as well as DIYers on best practices in the construction and remodeling industry. He's a strong advocate for "raising the bar" in the construction trades and promoting the trades to youth. #BeAMentor #Green2Great Craftsmanship, quality, and pride guide his journey on this channel The Concord Carpenter's motto: "Well done is better than well said!" : Read more about Rob

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