Follow The Drinking Gourd
Caesar Robbins House
Note – It’s important to note that this poetry (song lyrics) is not meant to be taken literally
Recently I became aware of and interested in helping a local project in my hometown. The project called “Save The Caesar Robbins House.”
Caesar Robbins was a Concord resident and patriot veteran of the American Revolution in 1776. In 1780 he was emancipated and built a one-room house in Concord near the Old North Bridge.
A local non-profit corporation called “The Drinking Gourd Project,” was formed to save this house from demolition. Its main mission is to save, restore and adapt the 1780 home of Caesar Robbins and to create the Robbins house Educational Center.
Part of saving this house involves coordinating efforts to purchase and move the house close to its original site across from the “Old Manse” on the North Bridge property and turn it into Concord’s Civil Liberties Museum.
Be part of saving our country’s history ~ Donate!
501c3 organization – tax deductible.
Send donations to:
Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council,
P.O. Box 744,
Concord, MA 01742