Temporary Job Site Safety
Benefits of using temporary job site safety measures
The first benefit is obvious, it protects you and the crew. Often times this is the first that guys are at the building so they are not familiar with the hazards yet. Just like most other industries, people are far and away the most valuable asset in construction. Protecting them should be at the forefront of planning and carrying out any project.
The second benefit is the protection of the building occupants. The occupants and users of any building are usually so comfortable with their surroundings that they often operate on automatic pilot going to and from their workstation or home. They may not be paying much attention to the construction activities in the area. Keeping them safe helps promote future work at the site.
The third benefit is the protection of the public. Many buildings we work on are surrounded by city sidewalks or the building serves the public directly. Protecting the part time users of the building and surrounding area helps to keep the company out of the newspaper and TV headlines. Also word of mouth is very powerful in construction. So many new jobs spawn because people have seen the work done on other buildings. If they see you not being safe they remember that when it comes time to hire… someone else.
The fourth benefit is one not often thought about and not nearly as important as protecting humans in the first three points. The benefit in using temporary job site safety measures and consulting with a safety authority like OSHA or a fire inspector is that it can protect the company. If the worst case scenario does happen and there is a fire in the building and someone loses their life it won’t be because of inadequate safety measures during construction.