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How My Blog Got Started!

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How It All Got Started: Read my story below.

My site is my outlet, and it’s a creative one. I read more, my writing has improved, I’m learning more and it helps me promote my business.

As a self-employed carpenter, I first used “Concord Carpenter” as a place to post images of carpentry projects. But before long I started sprinkling in remodeling, home improvement tips and child and public safety quips – things that just about any reader could relate to.

Nobody wants to hear ranting and raving so I avoid that.  But I’m not afraid to give my opinion — never have been. When I do give an opinion about something, I make sure it’s based in fact.

The “Concord Carpenter” started commenting before he ever had his own forum. I was drawn into the blogosphere through a friend, the Rev. Austin Fleming of Holy Family Parish in Concord whose blog is “A Concord Pastor Comments.”

I was a regular reader and commenter on his blog. After joking with me about my starting my own blog, Fleming secretly worked on a dummy blog that he called “A Concord Carpenter Comments.”

One day when looking at Fleming’s new profile photo, I click on it. When I clicked on this, it opened his blogs dashboard, and I realized that he did not have any Administrator edit controls [password] set for it.

I also noticed he had a second blog named A Concord Carpenter Comments in DRAFT FORM. I liked the alliteration in the catchy title, and realized that he was up to no good!  So as a joke I added all my information onto the blog profile. Well in the meantime Fleming discovered what I had done and we had a good laugh.

When Fleming deleted the blog I received an auto-email asking if I wanted to keep the blog. I said “why not,” changed the email in it, and it became mine….. That’s how it started!!

I look back and realize that this launch into the blogosphere was not without some anxiety. Blogging was a bold move for me. I never expected it to last as long as it has but I really enjoy working on it. It gives people a chance to get to know me and gives me a chance to reveal myself.

Some of my fellow carpenters “don’t get it,” but my customers do — or they’re starting to anyway.

My blog gives me a voice. When customers, neighbors and friends ask me questions related to carpentry, I can often direct them to my blog where I’ve already written on the question they’re asking.

Sit back, grab a cup of Joe and take a peek at my current and archived posts and enjoy !

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