Hand washing and H1N1
Hand Washing and the H1Ni Virus – Does It Really Make a Difference?
Image: Proper hand washing technique.
Preventing Germs
Many people falsely feel that washing their hands will prevent H1N1.
While hand washing is great way to prevent many diseases, such as the common cold, it’s not very helpful to prevent influenza. The flu virus isn’t very stable on the hand.
The flu virus thrives in droplets of water, such as the kind that come out of your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Infectious disease experts and the CDC agree the flu is more likely to be transmitted through airborne particles than through hand contact.
Hand washing and H1N1
Practicing good hygiene and avoiding exposure are two of the best preventive methods, whether we’re in the midst of pandemic flu or you’re just suffering from an old-fashioned cold.
The CDC has emphasized several prevention techniques to include hand washing, vaccination and proper coughing and sneezing techniques.
The message here is to cough and sneeze into your elbow and to teach our children to do this as well. I am constantly amazed at how many adults do not do this.
Photo: Proper coughing or sneezing technique.
Keeping children home from school when sick is another way to stop the spread of a virus. It’s amazing how many sick children report to the school nurse and say that they’d woken up ill, but their parents sent them to school anyway.
What’s up with that?
If your child is sick, keep him or her at home. If you’re sick, don’t go to work.
Using this common sense approach will go a long way toward stemming the spread of H1N1 flu — probably more than washing your hands!!
Stay Well ~ concord carpenter