By Robert Robillard on Tools PLUS!



Channellock tools have always had a reputation of being tough!

Many of my friends who are professional tradesmen swear by the Channellock quality and their 100% guarantee against breakage and failure.

I’ve been using Channellock tools for 20 years and keep several pairs of each tool on hand. For example, I keep a pair in my truck, my job site tool trailer and my workshop! I even have a pair at the police station in my desk!

The size, grip strength and flexibility of use of these tools are unsurpassed. I’ve never worn out my Channellock cutting pliers, only replacing the ones I have lost.

Channellock has been making quality tools since 1886. They recently created a new interactive website which has a short video on how they make their tools here in the U.S.A. It’s interesting and very entertaining check out the company’s unique manufacturing process and the story behind its trademarked CHANNELLOCK BLUE® handles.

The folks at Channellock recently sent me a set of tools to evaluate. I will be giving a duplicate set of these tools away this week. click here for the Channellock Giveaway


9.5″ Tongue And Groove Pliers Features:

This 9.5″ tongue and groove pliers has right angle teeth grip to grip in all directions for maximum bite and minimum wear. The tongue and groove design assures a tight grip with no slip.

My brother is a plumber and carries this plier in his side pant pocket at all times. He has many tools in his tool box but prefers this plier as his “go to” tool for it adjustability and gripping power.

– Right angle teeth grip in all directions for maximum bite and minimum wear.
– Patented undercut tongue and groove design assures, no slip jaw action.
– Patented reinforcing edge minimizes stress breakage.
– Patented PermaLock fastener eliminates nut and bolt failures.
– Distinctive CHANNELLOCK BLUE comfort grips.

9.5″ Tongue And Groove Pliers Technical Details:

Adjustments: 5
Length: 9.5″ (240mm)
Capacity: 1 1/2″ (38mm)
Weight: 12.33 oz (350g)
Jaw Length/Thickness: 1 1/8″ (28.5mm) / 1/4″ (6.4mm)


8″ End cutting pliers

These end cutting pliers are my favorite, I keep the 8″ Channellock cutting pliers in my tool belt and use it every day. I find it essential in pulling and nipping nails the tools rounded head provides a levering action to pull a nail out with minimal damage to the wood.

It has a perfectly mated cutter that is heat treated to hold its edge. These precision made pliers have a polished high carbon drop forged steel. The pliers feature the Channellock Blue comfort grips.They are 100% guaranteed against breakage and failure. I challenge you to break this tool!

8″ Cutting Plier Product Dimensions:

10.2 x 2.9 x 1 inches ; 1 pounds

Get your own Channellock Pliers and Channellock end cutters here.

This review contains my opinion of a product. I take pride in providing my readers with an honest and objective information as well as a practical approach to using a product. I never accept payment in exchange for a positive review. Many of the tools and products are provided to for free by a manufacturer for review.

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About the author

Robert Robillard

Carpenter / Remodeler / Editor

Rob Robillard is “The Concord Carpenter” Rob is a builder, general contractor, carpenter, woodworker, and editor of Concord Carpenter and ToolBoxBuzz As a General Contractor and carpenter, Rob owns and operates Concord Carpenter LLC. A full-service remodeling and construction company. Rob is a recognized leader in home building best practices and a source for how-to information for building professionals. On this website, Rob covers all aspects of home construction, building science, home improvement, woodworking, remodeling, and some of the best product and tool reviews. Rob is in charge of our Tool and Product Review series - Concord Carpenter Videos where we post all of our tool reviews and video tutorials. Rob approaches remodeling and building construction with a pragmatic and problem-solving approach. He enjoys using his knowledge and experience to help and educate building professionals as well as DIYers on best practices in the construction and remodeling industry. He's a strong advocate for "raising the bar" in the construction trades and promoting the trades to youth. #BeAMentor #Green2Great Craftsmanship, quality, and pride guide his journey on this channel The Concord Carpenter's motto: "Well done is better than well said!" : Read more about Rob

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