Built-In Bookcase And Mantle Installation
Finishing the Face Frame
After checking the dry fit, I add glue to all of the slots, insert the biscuits and then clamp the face frame together with bar clamps. When building bookcases, it’s important to have long bar clamps. If you don’t then you need to join your bar clamps. To do this see my post on Size Matters.
I let the face frame dry in the clamps over night, often times planning this for the end of the day. If possible I sometimes move it off to a side of the shop to continue working.
Once the face frame was dry it I remove the clamps it and give the entire face frame a thorough sanding. I pay special attention on getting the joints smooth as well as removing all of the mill marks that were on the face of the wood and from my edge jointing. After sanding if is time to apply the face frame to the bookcase frame. I do this with wood glue and a finish nailer.
Installing The Bookcase Face Frame:
My nailer of choice is the Paslode cordless finish nailer. I’m a recent convert to cordless nailers and this tool allows me the precision, reliability and speed of a pneumatic nailer all without the cord.See my Paslode Cordless 16 Gauge Angled Finish Nailer Review
After applying the glue to the bookcase carcase edge I clamp the face frame in place and work it along the edge to maintain the proper reveals and to keep edges flush.
After letting the face frame dry in the clamps I fill all nail holes as well as force wood putty into and seams that were glued. I do this because sometime minor imperfections at the plywood edge cause a depression and show up like a sore thumb with paint. After the wood putty is dry everything gets a thorough sanding with special attention to face frame edges and seams.